Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today I was able to hear from our amazing prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. He spoke at our regional stake conference broadcast. I love listening to him speak. He has such a way of talking that even though it was time to go, I wanted to hear more! His topic was about being thankful and showing gratitude. The whole time he was speaking I was thinking about having an "Attitude of Gratitude". I absolutely love this topic, because although you can feel thankful for things, I know for myself, I definitely don't show/say it as much as I should. So I decided that for the next few weeks, until Thanksgiving, I want to (try) and write everyday about something that I'm grateful for.

1. I'm so thankful for my family. I think that the older I get and the further we get from each other, the more I realize how much I truly am thankful for them. It doesn't matter how much we drive each other crazy when we're all together in one place, I love them. Especially my parents. My parents are the best parents in the world. I'm so thankful for them putting up with me, because Heaven knows that I was definitely a hard teenager. They know my weaknesses and I'm so grateful that they knew those, so that they can help me when hard times come.

I'm grateful that I have such a close family. We love each other, and I could ask for a better one.

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