Monday, June 2, 2008

New Start

This is the beginning of my new blog. I figured I'm out of high school now, so maybe I need to change some things up. The first thing I wanted to do was start a blog. That way people can see what's going on with me. I always enjoy reading my sister's blog, and so I thought, well maybe people will enjoy mine. I definitely will not have the high quality pictures she does, but hey, we can't all be photographers right?

Anyways, just to catch people up on my life, I just recently graduated from high school, and now I'm off to bigger things. I will be competing at Miss Idaho this next week, so we'll see what happens with that. I have a feeling I'll have a reality check of what this world really is like, (The Pageant World).

I hope everything works out, and if I don't win, then my first stop home will be to Coldstone Creamery!!

1 comment:

The Laws said...

Good Luck at the pageant Kaytlin...I'm sure you'll do great! Now you and Kara need to just get your brother's wives to start blogs so I can see how the whole family is doing!