Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I don't know about you, but have you ever had that feeling that you don't know what to do in life. That so many things come at you at once and you feel like you're catching a hundred softballs with just one mitt? Well, that's kind of how I feel right now. For the most part I have a pretty relaxed lifestyle, but in all reality I should be figuring out what I'm going to do with my life. I'm out of high school now and I'm supposed to be having a real life now. I found out that my counselor at the high school was wrong the whole time about a math class I had to take, which put me behind in applying for the colleges I actually wanted to go to. This might not be making sense.. but it does in my mind. I guess the whole procrastination thing has finally caught up with me and is totally biting me. I'll get it figured out.. but until then I'll, like Dory (from Finding Nemo) says.. "Just Keep Swimming" :)


Unknown said...

You have a whole lot of time to figure things out- whether you are delayed 3 months going to college or two years, you still have 80 years ahead of you to figure things out. I have one kid and another on the way, and I still wake up in the morning wondering when I'm going to figure it out!! Good Luck!

Justin and Stacey said...

I'm sure you will make the right decision Kaytlin! Just remember your Heavenly Father and everything will happen how it's supposed to. Don't worry too should be having fun!

The Laws said...

Kaytlin- Where's this picture taken?

Kaytlin said...

This picture was taken in California this past spring break.. :)